DREAM Contracts

Revolutionize Your Dealership with OCD Solutions

Direction, Responsibility, Expectation, Accountability, and Motivation

In the fast-paced world of powersports and marine dealerships, adapting to change and harnessing the power of data is crucial. That’s why at Omni-Channel Dealer Solutions (OCD), we offer our signature DREAM Partnership to help you transform and modernize your dealership processes.

The DREAM Partnership

Our DREAM Partnership, an acronym for Direction, Responsibility, Expectation, Accountability, and Motivation, serves as a foundational strategy for dealerships seeking to revolutionize their operational processes. This partnership program is for those who are not only ready to innovate but are eager to lead the charge in adopting the next generation of dealership technology.

Why Choose DREAM?

By choosing to engage in our DREAM Partnership, you’re making a commitment to a complete overhaul of your operational processes. The goal? To leverage data-driven insights from our DealerPoint Platform, ensuring your dealership’s success in the modern marketplace.

We offer you the roadmap (Direction) and the tools to take charge (Responsibility), setting the bar high (Expectation) while maintaining full transparency (Accountability) and fueling the drive for progress (Motivation).

Who Is It For?

The DREAM Partnership isn’t for everyone. It’s designed for highly progressive dealers who recognize the power of data and technology in transforming their operations. If you’re a dealership owner, a dealer group, or a manufacturer looking to beta test an entirely new, technology-leveraged dealership process, then our DREAM Partnership is perfect for you.

Ready to Start Dreaming?

Revolutionizing your dealership process starts with a dream – a DREAM Partnership with OCD Solutions. We’re ready to embark on this journey with you, delivering modern technology and AI-powered insights to transform your dealership.

Interested in learning more about our DREAM Partnership and how it could benefit your dealership?

Contact us today to explore how our DREAM Partnership can make your vision a reality.